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Administrative management team of School of Mechanical Engineering/School of Robotics

Shao Ming Dean of School of Mechanical Engineering/School of Robotics Engineering

Li Hong Deputy Dean (In charge of teaching)

Han Wei Deputy Dean (In charge of party building and student work)

Deng Daqiang Deputy Dean (In charge of the work of the School of Robotics Engineering)

Li Weihua Director of Administrative Office

Lv Shi Deputy Director of Student Affairs Office


School of Mechanical Engineering/School of Robotics Teaching Institution and Person in Charge

Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Research Section

Director  Pan Jianyi

Deputy Director  Miao Danyun

Deputy Director  Niu Jimei


Mechatronics Engineering Teaching and Research Section

Deputy Director  Wang Rui

Deputy Director  Guo Jian


Industrial Design Teaching and Research Section

Director  Liang Wenjun

Deputy Director  Yang Ying


Robot Engineering Teaching and Research Office

Director  Deng Daqiang

Deputy Director  Chen Weihua


Mechanical Engineering Experiment Center

Director  Deng Daqiang

Deputy Director  Chen Shuohong


engineering training centre

Director  Han Wei

Deputy Director  Tong Zhou

Deputy Director  Yan Jian



Shao Ming

Doctor of Engineering, professor, national-level young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions, enjoys the special government allowance of the State Council. Former doctoral supervisor of South China University of Technology, deputy director of the National Metal Materials Near-Net Forming Engineering Technology Research Center, member of the Ministry of National Defense of the Science and Technology Committee of the Ministry of Education, senior member of the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, director and deputy secretary-general of the Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Society, Shantou Huaxing Metallurgical Equipment Independent director of a company limited by shares. The current Dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Guangzhou College of South China University of Technology.

Pan Guoping

Doctor of Engineering, Professor. He has been engaged in the development and technical work of lifting and transporting machinery products for many years. He was awarded the title of Young Mechanical Science and Technology Expert of the former Ministry of Machinery Industry. He has successively completed more than ten engineering design, construction and scientific research projects, and won two third-class scientific progress awards of the former Ministry of Machinery Industry (mainly The person who completed it) was later transferred to the Technology and Equipment Department of the Office of the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee of the State Council, responsible for the coordination and management of major technical issues of the Three Gorges shiplift, and responsible for the organization and management of the vertical axis wind turbine research and development project approved by the Development and Reform Commission.

Wang Jiachun

Ph.D. in Engineering, postdoctoral at Tsinghua University, professor-level senior engineer, former editor-in-chief of China Welding, project leader and technology supervisor of Beijing Nonferrous Metal Research Institute and Suzhou Nonferrous Metal Research Institute. Now he is a distinguished professor of the school.


Associate Professor
 Li Hong

Bachelor of Engineering, associate professor, the school's first teaching teacher, the teaching quality ranking has always been in the forefront of the college. The main research direction is mechanical engineering and automation, numerical control technology and processing technology. The editor-in-chief published 2 textbooks Mechanical Engineering Fundamentals and Mechanical Principles, presided over and participated in more than 20 provincial and school-level teaching, research, and scientific research projects, instructed students to participate in 2 provincial-level science and technology competitions and won the school's second education and teaching Achievement 1 first prize, many times won the school's outstanding teachers and other honorary titles.

Han Wei

Bachelor of Engineering, senior experimenter. Winner of the National May 1st Labor Medal in 2008, Winner of the National Model Worker Title in 2010, and Winner of the 10th National Technical Expert Title in 2010. The current deputy dean of the School of Mechanical Engineering and the director of the Engineering Training Center.

Deng Daqiang

Doctor of Engineering, associate professor. Served as an instructor for the Huaqi Electric Team and Robot Team, leading students to participate in international and domestic competitions for many times, winning honors for the school. Presided over and participated in more than ten provincial, ministerial and school-level scientific research and teaching research projects. He is currently the deputy dean of the School of Robotics Engineering and concurrently the director of the Mechanical Engineering Experiment Center.

Dong Yi

Associate Professor, Senior Engineer, Director of Foundry and Die Casting Branch of Guangdong Mechanical Engineering Society, Member of the 3rd Expert Committee of Guangdong Die & Mould Industry Association, Member of Forging Equipment Technology Professional Committee of Plastic Engineering Branch of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. He has repeatedly won the school-level outstanding teacher and the third prize of a school-level teaching achievement award.


Excellent PhD

Pan Jianyi

Associate professor, post-doctorate, graduated from South China University of Technology in Mechanical Manufacturing and Automation, and is currently the director of the Mechanical Engineering Teaching and Research Section, and an expert member of the Aluminum Processing Committee of the Guangdong Nonferrous Metals Society. Mainly engaged in research work on intelligent manufacturing process optimization, plastic forming, aluminum alloy extrusion and die, powder metallurgy and composite materials, numerical simulation and application. At present, he is mainly responsible for the teaching of major professional courses such as Introduction to Materials Science, Fundamentals of Material Forming Technology, Engineering Thermodynamics, CAE Technology and Finite Element Fundamentals and other major courses. From 2013 to 2017, he was awarded the Excellent of South China University of Technology Guangzhou College Teacher title. He has participated in a number of provincial and municipal projects, published more than 20 scientific research papers in domestic and foreign academic journals and academic conferences, compiled 1 textbook, and applied for 2 invention patents.

Chen Weihua

Associate professor, Ph.D., graduated from South China University of Technology in mechanical design and theory, and is currently the deputy director of the robotics engineering department. In 2019, he was awarded the Excellent Doctor of the school's Hundred Talents Program. Main research direction: mobile robot positioning and navigation and human-computer interaction. At present, he is mainly responsible for teaching professional courses such as Robot Mathematics Foundation and Robot Positioning and Navigation. He has participated in more than 20 project research and development, published 15 scientific research papers in domestic and foreign academic journals, and participated in 8 patent applications.

Dr. Weizhen Li

A lecturer, graduated from Kunshan University of Science and Technology in Taiwan. His main research directions are material forming, rapid prototyping technology and reverse engineering product design. He has been engaged in undergraduate teaching and practical work in mechanical engineering and related scientific research for many years. Has published more than 10 scientific research, teaching and research papers, including 1 SCI, 2 EI retrieval, 2 Chinese core articles; hosted and participated in a number of projects, including 1 excellent course construction (machine manufacturing technology basis) in Guangdong Province and 1 core course construction Projects, 1 comprehensive laboratory construction project, 3 cooperation projects with enterprises in the Pearl River Delta; lectures on the basis of mechanical manufacturing technology, rapid prototyping technology, engineering mechanics, material forming technology basis, mechanical drawing, stamping process and mold design and comprehensive training, etc. .


